Husni Farid Abdat, S.H., M.H.
Mr. Husni Farid Abdat is the managing partner of HFALawyers. He has More than 12 years of experience as a Lawyer and Legal Consultant who has handled many cases, corporate (company) problems, investment, business transactions and cooperation, property & real estate, employment, intellectual property rights (IPR), and various business issues up to the handling of commercial disputes through court and arbitration. With this experience, Husni understands the developments and problems of business in Indonesia.
Husni is a licensed advocate from PERADI and is currently active in the Indonesian Muslim Entrepreneurs Community (KPMI), Indonesian Sharia Fintech Association (AFSI), Indonesian Muslim Start-Up Association (AMSI) and Indonesian CEO Mastermind Association (ACMI). Currently trusted to serve as Deputy Head of Legal & Audit AFSI and Deputy Head of Advocate & Legal ACMI.
Husni is often becoming a speaker in various seminar/webinar events.

Ibrahim Alwini, S.H.
Mr. Ibrahim Alwini, S.H. joined HFALawyers in 2015, He graduated from the Faculty of Law from TRISAKTI University, prior to became partner in HFALawyers he started his career working in Ali Budiardjo,
Nugroho, Reksodiputro Law Firm.
In his previous office, he has been participated for doing legal due diligence for acquisition purpose regarding shipping, mining, banking and public offering and
he has also been involved in commercial litigation team for dispute resolution. His extensive knowledge of a broad range of
business sectors – coupled with his breadth of experience – give him an in-depth understanding of various legal issues normally dealt with when doing business in Indonesia.
With a passion for the job, he is used to digging deep into complex issues and providing the insight needed to find practical solutions.

Muhammad Akbar Zulvickar, S.H.
Mr. Muhammad Akbar Zulvickar, S.H., joined HFALawyers in 2015, He graduated from the Faculty of Law from TRISAKTI University, prior to became partner in HFALawyers
he started his career working in Giovanni Sinulingga & Partner. He expert to resolve cases in business and commercial litigation.
Mr. Muhammad Akbar Zulvickar ever been involved in the Expert team one parliamentary commission to undertake the preparation of draft laws and other public policies,
as well as been involved in the team for the settlement of disputes elections (elections).
Muhammad Akbar Zulvickar pernah beberapa kali terlibat didalam tim Tenaga Ahli salah satu komisi DPR untuk melakukan penyusunan rancangan undang - undang dan kebijakan publik lainnya, serta pernah terlibat dalam tim untuk penyelesaian kasus sengketa pemilihan umum (pemilu).

Faisal Hisyam, S.H.
Mr. Faisal Hisyam, S.H., joined HFALawyers in 2017, He graduated from the Faculty of Law from TRISAKTI University, prior to became partner in HFALawyers, he start his career working in a mining company in Indonesia as a legal officer.
During his term in HFA Lawyers,
he has been involved in various projects relating to telecommunication, mining, investment, also company mergers and acquisitions. He has also assisted clients in manpower, as well as general corporate matters.

Rizky Pramana Dwijaya, S.H
Mr. Rizky Pramana Dwijaya , S.H., graduated from the Faculty of Law from TRISAKTI University, joined HFALawyers in 2018. Prior to his role as partner in HFALawyers, he was a senior associate in Wecolaw Office for five years. He has expertise in business and commercial disputes resolution, breach of contract, tort, civil, criminal, administrative, and arbitration disputes. He takes a pragmatic approach to disputes. Not only that he possesses a considerable experience in dealing with complex legal and factual issues in the context of court proceeding, he is also a strong supporter of alternative dispute resolution process. He has been involving in countless mediations, and proven to have a high success rate in resolving disputes through negotiation and the mediation process.
Our Team of Associates, Paralegals, & Legal Staffs
Our team consists of experianced and skilled legal practitioners in many fields of law, including litigation, corporate and transactional law.
Our team frequently work as a teams to give clients who are confronting complex problems the benefit of an unusually broad base of legal talent, training, and experience.